Please take a moment to read the following to learn more about our information practices, including what type of information is gathered, how the information is used and for what purposes, to whom we disclose the information, and how we safeguard your personal information. Your privacy is a priority to us, and we go to great lengths to protect it.


Except as described below, ChicoBag® Company does not collect or require visitors to (“Website”) to furnish personally identifying information such as names, email addresses and phone numbers. ChicoBag® Company collects non-personally identifying information such as the browser type, language preference, referring site, and date and time of each visitor request. ChicoBag® Company also collects potentially personally identifying information which are non-personally-identifying in and of themselves but could be used in conjunction with other information to personally identify you, such as Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses.

ChicoBag® Company’s purpose in collecting this information is to better understand how ChicoBag® Company’s visitors use the Website. To that end, ChicoBag® Company may share potentially personally identifying information with its employees, contractors and affiliated organizations. ChicoBag® Company may also release non-personally-identifying information about visitors, e.g. by publishing a report on Website usage trends. Otherwise, ChicoBag® Company will not publicly release potentially personally identifying information except under the same circumstances as ChicoBag® Company releases personally identifying information. Those circumstances are explained in detail below.


Certain Website visitors choose to interact with ChicoBag® Company in ways that require ChicoBag® Company and others to know more about them. The amount and type of information that ChicoBag® Company gathers from Users depends on the nature of the interaction. You can always refuse to supply personally-identifying information to ChicoBag® Company, with the understanding that it may prevent you from engaging in certain activities on or related to the Website.


No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.  ChicoBag® Company discloses this information only when required to do so by laws  If you are a registered user of an ChicoBag® Company website and have supplied your email address, ChicoBag® Company may occasionally send you an email to tell you about new features, solicit your feedback, or just keep you up to date with what’s going on with ChicoBag® Company and our products.


ChicoBag® Company’s Web site may use cookies to help ChicoBag® Company identify and track visitors, their usage of the Web site, and their Web site access preferences across multiple requests and visits to ChicoBag® Company’s Web site. ChicoBag® Company visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers by ChicoBag® Company should set their browsers to refuse cookies before linking to the Website. Certain features of the Website may not function properly without the aid of cookies.


Where ChicoBag® Company has collected personally-identifying information subject to one of the exceptions described in the Collection of Personally-Identifying Information section, above, it may disclose that information to ChicoBag® Company employees, contractors and affiliated organizations that need to know such information in order to process it on ChicoBag® Company’s behalf and that have agreed not to disclose it to others. Some of those employees, contractors and affiliated organizations may be located outside of your home country; by using ChicoBag® Company’s Web sites, you consent to the transfer of your information to them. ChicoBag® Company does not rent or sell such information to anyone.


ChicoBag® Company permits Users to freely update and correct their personally identifying information as maintained by ChicoBag® Company. To do so, Users and Convertees need only look for the links and other tools available on ChicoBag® Company’s Web sites or contact ChicoBag® Company by email. If you no longer wish to receive materials distributed by ChicoBag® Company, you should unsubscribe by using the unsubscribe link located in the email message.


Although changes are likely to be minor, ChicoBag® Company may change this ChicoBag® Company Privacy Policy from time to time. Any and all changes will be reflected on this page. ChicoBag® Company encourages visitors to frequently check this page for any changes to its Privacy Policy. Your continued use of this site after any change in this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.